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Meet OurTribal Council

We are a people of many bloods, and we are the "Black Seminoles and Seminoles" of Florida included in the Five-Civilized Tribes. Even in both the past and present eras our people once did, and still do remain the followers of the once mighty warrior, leader and freedom fighter "John Horse" a.k.a. "Juan Caballo", "John Cowaya", "Gopher John", or as he was known as in Mexico, "Jefe Juan". We "are not" an Absentee Tribe or Band. It is our obligated duties to always maintain a great standard of knowledge in the preservation of our historys' truth, ancestry, heritage, and legacy. In researching and in holding true to what we do as warriors we are also bound in these duties to share the history and facts of what might be discovered. As a hereditary Micco, and the newly appointed General Chairman of the United Warrior Band of the Seminole Nation/John Horse band along with our entire "Tribal Council", we are dedicated in carrying on the duties to protect our people. I am humbled and greatly honored in having been able to sit, listen and grasp some of the teachings and stories by our late Chief and Chieftainess Mr. and Mrs. William "Dub" & Ethel Warrior of the United Warrior Band of the Seminole Nation/John Horse Band. And, also for the numerous anthropologists, intellectual scholars, lecturers, other Chiefs and dear friends that has sincerely strived without any hidden agendas to keep our story and history alive both domestically and internationally, our people are forever grateful to them.

Angela R. Haywood
Tribal Secretary

Rafaela "Affie" Brown
Head- Female Elder

JoAnn Perryman-Harris
Tribal Treasurer

Manester Y. Bruno
Tribal Historian

Mary Vazquez-Gamble

Murry Bruno, Jr.

Carolyn J. Warrior

Clarence Warrior

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