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                                                                       About Us

For the first time in the history of the United Warrior Band of the Seminole Nation/John Horse Band we are proud to have paneled, our first "Tribal Council". We will remain resilient in fighting for our constitutional rights, history, culture, heritage and anything that is due to our people, the Black Seminole Nation, and any other non-hostile Indian Tribe or Band . We are the true descendant of the Black Seminole from Florida and Mexico. On this site it is our duty to research, study, share and educate those readers of the tragic but triumphant history of both our ancestors and those descendants that are still alive today.  We are the warriors "Fighters".

B L A  S E M I N O L E S

iss-tone-koh, Hers' ce, Chikma, Halito, O'Siyo, and hola. As you can see, we are "Indigenous people" of many bloods that are both racially and inter-tribally mixed. Until we understand this, we will not fully understand who we are or where we, and our forefathers and foremothers came from. "Our blood" is your blood, and "Your blood" is our blood.

Blessings and Peace,

Chief Perryman

"Eagle Claw"


In maintaining the Chieftaincy positions, as the Chief Delegate with the League of Indian Nations of North America National Indian Government, and as the new Principal Chief of the United Warrior Band of the Seminole Nation/John Horse Band, I am humbled and honor to have been appointed to this position before and by the passing of our late Principal Chief, William "Dub" & Ethel Warrior, several Indian government officials, several of their family members and closet friends to carry on in bearing the torch for the progress of our people. We are a proud and resilient people with a history that is complicated, confusing and heavily steeped in world history. The tribal council understands this, and we do not take these tribal positions lightly. As members of the tribal council "will not" ever attest to the fact that we know everything about our history. However, what we do know, we are willing and capable of sharing it with those that wish to know and learn more. The amount of years, knowledge, research and history collectively  shared amongst these tribal members are countless and invaluable to our people. 


Through studies and written research, the history of the "American Indians" dates back to approximately the 4th century when a Chinese missionary under the Shang Dynasty first named our people as, "American Indians". This is why we will always negate the new astigmatism of being absent. The Seminole and/or Black Seminoles has never been, nor will we ever be absent. Our youngsters "must" grasp and understand this.


With the amazing support group that has reached out to us, and to myself personally, we vow not to have all of our history compromised in any way, and to stick truly to all that has been shared with us by all of the authors, family members, governmental officials, anthropologist, researchers, intellectual scholars, other principal chiefs from other tribes and bands, etc.. Seminole" are steeped heavily in history, heritage and culture also dating back to the Aztec, Mayan, Inca's and including the Yamasees being the mother tribe of the Seminoles, Creeks, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Catawba's and the Apalachees.  


Our membership is open to anyone that is a descendant of any of the five Freedman tribes proving any lineage to the Black Seminoles/Seminole bloodlines, are of a non-hostile tribe, and willing to share respect to all members in both protocol and each other and with not hidden agendas or intentions to harm or degrade the UWBSN/JHB, or who may be adopted into the tribe upon approval of the "tribal council" or by the General Chairman. Shared information and documents are subject to change on a regular basis. We will have tons of "New" information to share. 


Some information gathered by; source readings

Proud Members of:

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